We have an exciting Home Ownership Opportunity

Learn about the Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley homeownership program and the available resources to help you purchase a home Southwest Riverside County

Nearly 19 million U.S. households today pay half or more of their income on a place to live. That means 1 in 5 families are denied the personal and economic stability that safe, decent and affordable housing provides. That means that 1 in 6 families are forced to make impossible choices. A safe home. Nutritious food on the table. Health care. Access to good schools. Reliable transportation. Which would you choose?

California is in the midst of a housing crisis and we must take action now. The lack of affordable homes is hurting the quality of life for many of its residents, especially the working families and seniors Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley serves…

That’s why we’re joining hundreds of Habitat for Humanity organizations across the country today to launch our first national advocacy campaign: Cost of Home. YOU can learn more and help make the Cost of Home something we all can afford by CLICKING HERE!

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So many ways to help

You can make a difference by volunteering, donating, going abroad, or working on homes for people in need.
Click the links above.

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